Saturday, January 29, 2011

Voki Voice

Voki is a really cool way to have students and/or teachers record their voices onto different avatars and have them speak for them. The way that ESOL students use them to improve their speech is really incredible. Especially for those students, I think Voki is a really great technology tool for the classroom.


  1. WOW! Do "you" talk fast! (hee hee!) One trick I've learned is to put extra periods in between places you want the voice to slow down.......Like that! Also spelling a word like it sounds sometimes helps (like baumbacK instead of baumbach.)

    You'll find some more ideas for using Vokis in their new newsletter:

    Isn't it exciting to be on the ground floor of a new education tool? Think about adding one to your team wiki--or next week, to your OWN wiki!

  2. The directions were to put your voki in a sidebar--but if you want it in a post, that's ok, too...but it will disappear as you do more challenges.
